
As part of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Jackson College received funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, 和经济安全法案, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) and the American Recovery Program (ARP).  这些资金的使用情况详细说明如下.



Institutional Portion Reports


Annual reports providing full details of Jackson College’s HEERF grant usage over the last calendar year, 包括向学生颁发高等教育资助基金的方法, 高等教育资助基金受助人的学业成就, 其他细节可以在 2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站HEERF拨款使用网页.

所有HEERF的季度预算和支出报告一、二 & III Funds

Emergency Assistance Grants

As part of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Jackson College received $1,946,通过冠状病毒援助提供的资金, Relief, 和经济安全法案, an additional $1,946,067 under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) and $6,853,673 under the American Recovery Program (ARP) to be used to provide emergency grants to students.  These funds can be used for costs associated with attending college or for emergency costs that arise due to the coronavirus.  这些费用包括学杂费等2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站, food, housing, course materials, 医疗和精神保健, or childcare.

Grant overview

  • HEERF基金要求学校优先考虑有特殊需要的学生, 比如有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生, when awarding HEERF funds.  However, students do not have to be eligible to receive Federal Pell Grants to receive HEERF funds.
  • 2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站每学期将分两个阶段发放助学金.
  • 奖励的延续将取决于资金的可用性.


  • 必须在2022年夏季学期注册.
  • Must have a FAFSA on file for the aid year that includes the semester being awarded (Summer 2022).
  • 预期家庭供款(EFC)必须高达$40,273.
  • High School dual enrolled students and those enrolled in early college programs are not eligible.
  • Students will be contacted by JC email and JetStream if they are eligible for these funds.


  • 未获得EFC奖励的学生低于40美元,273 may apply for Emergency assistance by completing the Emergency Assistance Request Form.
  • 必须在申请资助的学期注册.
  • Must have incurred expenses related to higher education or emergency costs associated with the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • 如果学生被批准获得这些资金,JC将通过电子邮件与他们联系.
  • Department of Education guidelines allow eligibility for these grants to students who are refugees, asylum seekers, 童年抵美暂缓遣返计划(DACA)受助人, other DREAMers, 类似的无证学生.
  • High School dual enrolled students and those enrolled in early college programs are not eligible.
  • Corrections Education Program (CEP) students would not typically have expenses eligible for the grant.  However, 如果CEP学生因冠状病毒而被释放, 仍然是第二次机会佩尔实验2024欧洲杯官方推荐投注网站的学生, and has eligible expenses, he or she may be eligible.

Distribution of funds

奖学金将根据需要和入学水平每学期从920美元到1725美元不等. 学生可获得最高40美元的预期家庭捐款,273 or students that are awarded based on an application and enrolled at the following levels will receive

Credit Hours Award Amount
1-5 $920
6-8 $1,150
9-11 $1,440
12 or more $1,725
  • Emergency Assistance Grants will be issued a refund via a paper check or eCheck (if signed up for eChecks) unless student has opted to apply the Emergency Assistance Grant to their outstanding account balance.
    • Phase I students will receive (via email and JetStream) a link to an approval form if they wish to apply the grant to their outstanding account balance.
    • Students applying for an Emergency Assistance Grant during Phase II can elect to apply the grant to their outstanding account balance via the application form.
  • 奖学金将在学生的第一门课程的加/退日期之后发放.
  • Students should expect to receive funds 10 days after funds are disbursed to their student account.
  • 我们鼓励学生注册电子支票,以便更快地收到资金.

HEERF Institutional Funds

As part of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Jackson College received $1,946,通过冠状病毒援助提供的资金, Relief, 和经济安全法案, an additional $6,168,753 under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) and $6,262,美国经济复苏计划(ARP)第704条.  These funds can be used to defray expenses associated with coronavirus (Including lost revenue, 报销已发生的费用, 与向远程教育过渡相关的技术成本, faculty and staff trainings, and payroll). A portion of the institutional funds are being used to provide scholarships directly to students to reduce the cost of online courses. 查看机构基金所承担的所有费用, 查看本页顶部的季度机构部分报告. It is estimated that during the Spring 2020 term 952 students at Jackson College are eligible to participate in Title IV programs and therefore are eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. 预计在2020年秋季学期(2020年9月30日),458 students at Jackson College are eligible to participate in Title IV programs and therefore are eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. 预计在2021年冬季学期(2021年3月31日),390 students at Jackson College are eligible to participate in Title IV programs and therefore are eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. 预计在2021年春季学期(2021年6月30日,107 students at Jackson College are eligible to participate in Title IV programs and therefore are eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. 预计在2021年秋季学期(2021年9月30日),513 students at Jackson College are eligible to participate in Title IV programs and therefore are eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. 该学院还获得了1美元的奖金,080,587 under the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) – Strengthening Institutions Program which will be used towards increased costs of operating the institution resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.